
any article (that has a link) i reference will go here, and so will articles that i haven't referenced but still think are worth reading!

"The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttransexual Manifesto" by Sandy Stone

"My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of Chamounix: Performing Transgender Rage" by Susan Stryker

"Postcript on the Societies of Control" by Gilles Deleuze

"Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto" by Alys Escalante

"God Is Change: Transformation and the Trans Experience in Nausicaä and the Valley of the Wind" by August Clarke

"Sav Malagán, Community, & Identity – A Queer Lens on The High Republic Adventures" by James Dillon

"On Watching Lain & Being Trans in 2022, or, How Digital Violets Bloom" by TheRecogScene (i also highly recommend this whole zine)

"Beyond Negativity: What Comes After Gender Nihilism?" by Alys Escalante

"Aaron or LillyAnarKitty? The Complicated Identity of Aaron Bushnell" by Evan Urquhart

"The comfort of Queer Time Theory" by Meg Hopkins

"Misunderstanding Mahler: On classical and conservatism" by Peter Mikulski

"Mais Viva! Reassembling Transness, Blackness, and Feminism" by Dora Silva Santana

"Ruminations on Lo Sucio as a Latino Queer Analytic" by Deborah R. Vargas

"Villano Antillano and Ana Macho Dream of Queer and Trans Futures"