this is daisy's lame website

Hello! I'm a writer, student, and Star Wars enjoyer who writes here about politics, philosophy, queerness, and other things. I also review books I've read, as well as movies I've seen. Please enjoy this website—a little piece of my soul lives in every sentence I write, and by reading it you keep my thoughts alive. Isn't that a sweet concept? Anyway, the blogposts start below!


Happy first post of 2025!!! I finally got around to getting those Star Wars graphs I mentioned in the last couple blogposts up. I'm pretty happy with how they all turned out, and I enjoyed writing the little blurbs about each graph. You can find that here, as well as the Star Wars section!

In other news, I'm well into my second term at school, and don't have very much time to write big things just for fun (though I wish I could!!). I am, however, starting a fun, expansive art project with one of my friends, and I think I'll be able to post some assets here without giving away anything. So expect some possible small updates, probably in the form of clips of music, over these next few weeks! When the project is entirely done it'll be uploaded to youtube, and I'm sure I'll talk about it on here as well.

That is about all I have for now! I've been feeling really good about life in general, so I hope anyone reading this is doing good. If not, feel free to talk to me, I know we're in a stressful and unprecedented (though isn't it?) time. My twitter (not gonna call it by that fucking loser-ass name) is @girlbossked, so feel free to message me if you ever need a place to vent, or if you wanna talk about star wars!! See ya!!!


heyyyyy!! I'm done with fall quarter, so I figured I'd pop back in here and give a brief update on what has been going on. I finished Mace Windu: The Glass Abyss and liked it, but not enough to write a review cause tbh I don't really even remember what happened in the book. But I did write a fun final paper in one of my classes that I'm proud enough to share, so that can be found here as well as in the writing tab. It's basically about finding one's swing which is a heavy-handed metaphor for trying to live the good life. I didn't initially want to write anything relating to music, but my professor thought that, as a trans musician, using music as a metaphor would be more personal and me-centric, which I don't disagree with. Ultimately I think it turned out good, though I probably should've given it a day or so because I noticed some typos lol. I was hella tired when I finished the paper, and I wrote it all in one day, so forgive anything that seems a little incoherent. It may be incoherent for another reason too, as we (obviously) had to reference texts from our class materials. I think it's comprehensible enough to the outside perspective, but sorry if it's not!

The star wars graphs that I mentioned in the last blogpost are on the way, I just have some cleaning up to do, as well as some formatting. It may well be a pdf if I can't find a way to make it any easier to read, but we'll have to see I suppose. I should add that I've had a lot of things on the mind, so there may be some additional short writing pieces headed your way. They'll be less formal than the above theory paper since they won't be for a class, but I guess writing anything is a good creative workout. Okay, I hope you enjoy and stay tuned!


Hiiiii! I have been very busy with college, so it's been a while, but I just posted a new review for Tears of the Nameless by George Mann. I really really loved this book!! I've actually been on a quest to read every canon Star Wars novel since last year, and this is the second-to-last one that I had (the next is Mace Windu: The Glass Abyss, which came out last month), so I've actually got some rankings and overall reviews on the way. Because I've been learning how to make cute graphs in my poli-sci classes, and all my data is saved in a spreadsheet, I'll probably try to create some fun graphics that visualize my opinions on the books, as well as some trends and junk (which honestly it might be a bit before I get to this because of school, but that's okay!).

Well, it's also the day after the election, and I've been going through a lot (of course) as a trans person. So we'll tackle that as it comes. I'll save my opinions for an essay that will be written at a later date (if at all), but I'll say that my will has not been shaken, and that my resolve to live is as strong as ever. The sun will come up tomorrow, we will wake up tomorrow, and we will live to see liberation.

...Blogpost archive is right here!

The latest blogposts are on the homepage, and everything else is in the archive!