this is daisy's lame website


Hey there, it's been a while! I've been reading star wars books a lot, but none of them are really sticking with me enough to write a good review. The Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy is just kinda boring me, but I probably will write a review when I finish The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, cause I'm loving that. It's been summer, so I've been a little busier with friends as well, and that's cut into my updating-the-website time. That being said, I did just read Star Wars: The High Republic: The Edge of Balance, Vol. 3 (love the double colon), and really enjoyed it, so I wrote a review here!

In personal news, a lot of stuff has been going on, and I have a few ideas for essays/rants that have to do with being trans and coming out and stuff, I just have to get the chance to write it all down and organize my thoughts in a digestible way. But I really do enjoy writing those, and if it all pans out my next few projects will be bigger "art" pieces (you'll see [hopefully]).

I'm also going to try and learn a little more about coding so I can hopefully make the site look a little better, which may be a significant undertaking that delays writing projects and reviews for a bit, but we'll see I guess. That's about all I have, so I guess I'll catch back up with you whenever I'm ready to make progress again.


Reviews are in for the entire Star Wars Alphabet Squadron Trilogy by Alexander Freed!! This trilogy is genuinely probably my favorite series of Star Wars books ever, and they just kept getting better. I encourage everyone to check them out, and check out my reviews (but only after you've read them because they have significant spoilers for the books!)!


I just posted another essay/article (not sure what to call it) about assumption of queer identity! I really have no clue what I'm doing here, but I gave it my best shot and think I made something that is generally interesting, maybe? I'm still workshopping a few others, but I'm glad I got this one out. That's all, have a good one!

...Blogpost archive is right here!

The latest blogposts are on the homepage, and everything else is in the archive!